Form Tackling

This may sound elementary to coaches in older age groups but I honestly believe that it is imperative that you practice form tackling EVERY SINGLE PRACTICE.  There is no need to spend a whole lot of time on it…maybe 5 minutes….but it will pay dividends in the long run. I pair everyone up with someone…

Special Teams in Youth Football

More often than not, Special Teams are regarded as an afterthought and very little time is devoted to this very important aspect of the game.  Younger age groups typically don’t have to worry about identifying a punter or a field goal/xtra point kicker, however, once the boys reach the age of 10 or so, these…


Capturing Stills of Game Film on Your PC

A pictures worth a 1000 words. This one is worth maybe a thousand up-downs! I often found watching game film was fruitless if the boys never saw it. We tried to get them together and watch a film a couple times… yeah, that worked well! The problem was if the boys didn’t understand what they…